Thursday, August 13, 2009


My kids are in Maine with their father, my husband is on his way to Florida for an unexpected business trip, my step daughter is with her mother for the first time this summer and I am on my own. Alone. Just me and the critters. (Currently the dog is chewing on his front paw- he stalked it, trapped it and is now eating it. Clever.)

I think of these deep, witty, incredibly profound posts when I am in the tub or the car or grocery shopping. Right now I can't think of anything other than I ruined a pot of coffee this morning and I am incredibly sad. I feel like I am spinning my wheels, like no one really cares if I am here or not. No one shares information, no one asks or bothers. I need to just get over myself.

We had a pig roast on Saturday. It was a good time, very few drunks- the most noted and discussed being my mother in law. She went off on my friend the lawyer, told him another local attorney was smarter and better looking. YIKES!! I was so tired by the end of the night, I couldn't wait to get home and crawl into bed. The kids were awesome, the dog was as cute as ever and our friends seemed to have a good time.

That's all for now, I need to go to work!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a good day to yourself....ironically I have a weekend off from the kid starting at noon today...and will have alot of time alone this coming weekend (which never happens). I always *plan* on doing all sorts of inspiring things...but seldom do....and I have no idea why.
